Presentation Templates

Download Presentation Slide Templates

For Lecturers Dark ver. Light ver.
For Abstract/Case Presenters Dark ver. Light ver.

- Add a Discussion Points slide before the Conclusion to propose 2-3 things to discuss with the moderators and panelists.

For Live Case Demonstration Live Case Briefing

General Guidelines

  • Please follow the instructions and keep the format of the templates.
    • Format: MS PowerPoint (PDFs and Keynotes are not accepted)
    • Widescreen(16:9)
    • Must include Disclosure.
    • Do not use unnecessary animation effects.
  • There is no limit for the number of slides but keep the presentation time allotted.
Once your allotted presentation time is 1 minute left, the alert message will automatically pop up to keep sessions running on time. After the remaining time, it will move to the last slide.