Saturday, April 24
Hot Topics
V. Valves
Hot Topics
V. Valves
Saturday, April 24
9:00 AM ~ 10:45 AM * Korea Standard Time (UTC/GMT +9:00)
Main Arena (Channel 1)
Moderator(s): Eberhard Grube, Lars Sondergaard
Issues in TAVR 2021
9:00 AM | TAVR for Sixties: Consideration for TAVR in Younger Patients Lecturer: Susheel Kodali |
9:10 AM | Is TAVI Ready for Young Patients? Surgeon's Perspective Lecturer: Jian (James) Ye |
9:20 AM | Optimal Antithrombotics After TAVR: GALILEO, POPULAR-TAVI, ATLANTIS, and ADAPT-TAVR Trials Lecturer: Duk-Woo Park |
9:30 AM | Interactive Discussion with Audience Q&A |
The Future of the Valve Intervention
9:45 AM | Valve-in-Valve - A Surgeon's Perspective Lecturer: Vinayak Bapat |
9:55 AM | Future Journey of Transcatheter Mitral Valve Interventions Lecturer: John Graydon Webb |
10:05 AM | Tricuspid Valve Interventions: Where We Are? Lecturer: Horst Sievert |
10:15 AM | Interactive Discussion with Audience Q&A |
Live Chat Moderator(s): Chi Yuen Wong
Live Chat Discussant(s): Hashrul Rashid, Ivan Man Ho Wong
VI. Endovascular
Hot Topics
VI. Endovascular
Saturday, April 24
10:50 AM ~ 12:23 PM * Korea Standard Time (UTC/GMT +9:00)
Main Arena (Channel 1)
Moderator(s): Mark W. Burket
Drug-coated Balloons; Update in 2021
10:50 AM | Paclitaxel and Mortality in PAD; The Latest Update ![]() Lecturer: Thomas Zeller |
11:00 AM | DCB Therapy in FP Disease: What's the Latest? ![]() Lecturer: Lawrence A. Garcia |
11:10 AM | Evidence of DCB Treatment for Infrapopliteal Disease ![]() Lecturer: William A. Gray |
11:20 AM | Interactive Discussion with Audience Q&A |
Vessel Preparation for Complex FP Lesions
11:35 AM | Non-Atherectomy Strategies for Vessel Preparation in Complex FP Disease ![]() Lecturer: Hiroshi Ando |
11:45 AM | Orbital Atherectomy in FP Lesions: Advantages and Limitations ![]() Lecturer: Michael S. Lee |
11:55 AM | Atherectomy at Subintimal Space in Lower Limb Intervention: Is There a Role? ![]() Lecturer: Chung-Ho Hsu |
12:05 PM | Interactive Discussion with Audience Q&A |
Live Chat Moderator(s): Jae Hyoung Park
Mitral Valve Theater
Live Case Session 1
Mitral Valve Theater
Live Case Session 1
Saturday, April 24
9:00 AM ~ 10:00 AM * Korea Standard Time (UTC/GMT +9:00)
Live Theater (Channel 2)
Moderator(s): Takashi Matsumoto
9:00 AM | Case #1: Asan Medical Center, Seoul, Korea 1st Operator: Do-Yoon Kang |
9:00 AM | Case #1: Asan Medical Center, Seoul, Korea Echo Interpreter: Dae-Hee Kim |
Live Chat Moderator(s): Adrian Cheong
Live Case Session 2
Mitral Valve Theater
Live Case Session 2
Saturday, April 24
10:10 AM ~ 11:10 AM * Korea Standard Time (UTC/GMT +9:00)
Live Theater (Channel 2)
Moderator(s): Samir R. Kapadia, Saibal Kar
10:10 AM | Case #2: University Hospital, Bonn, Germany |
10:10 AM | Case #2: University Hospital, Bonn, Germany Echo Interpreter: Marcel Weber |
Live Chat Moderator(s): Deepak Ameta, Tsutomu Murakami
Live Case Session 3
Mitral Valve Theater
Live Case Session 3
Saturday, April 24
11:20 AM ~ 12:20 PM * Korea Standard Time (UTC/GMT +9:00)
Live Theater (Channel 2)
Moderator(s): Jung-Sun Kim
11:20 AM | Case #3: Asan Medical Center, Seoul, Korea 1st Operator: Do-Yoon Kang |
11:20 AM | Case #3: Asan Medical Center, Seoul, Korea Echo Interpreter: Dae-Hee Kim |
Live Chat Moderator(s): Wei-Hsian Yin
Satellite Symposium
Impact of Statins on CV Outcomes : It`s a Matter of Life and Death
Organized by CVRF and Supported by Educational Grant from Viatris
Satellite Symposium
Impact of Statins on CV Outcomes : It`s a Matter of Life and Death
Organized by CVRF and Supported by Educational Grant from Viatris
Saturday, April 24
12:30 PM ~ 1:31 PM * Korea Standard Time (UTC/GMT +9:00)
Main Arena (Channel 1)
Moderator(s): Doo Soo Jeon, Moo Hyun Kim
Panelist(s): Hyo-Suk Ahn
12:30 PM | Opening Remark Speaker: Doo Soo Jeon |
12:35 PM | Optimal Timing of High Intensity Statin in Patients with ACS Lecturer: Duk-Woo Park |
12:50 PM | Discussion |
1:00 PM | Lower for Longer: Important to Achieve LDL-C Target Focus on Cardiovascular Disease Lecturer: Kyung-Hee Kim |
1:15 PM | Discussion |
1:25 PM | Closing Remark Speaker: Moo Hyun Kim |
LEADING THE WAY in Negotiating Complex Lesions
Organized by CVRF and Supported by Educational Grant from India Medtronic Pvt. Ltd.
Satellite Symposium
LEADING THE WAY in Negotiating Complex Lesions
Organized by CVRF and Supported by Educational Grant from India Medtronic Pvt. Ltd.
Saturday, April 24
12:30 PM ~ 1:30 PM * Korea Standard Time (UTC/GMT +9:00)
Live Theater (Channel 2)
Moderator(s): Viveka Kumar, Sunitha Viswanathan
12:30 PM | Session Objective Speaker: Sunitha Viswanathan |
12:33 PM | Live Case Demonstration Lecturer: Ravindra Singh Rao |
12:58 PM | Case 1- Negotiating in Extreme Tortuous Vessel Lecturer: Sreekanth Shetty |
1:08 PM | Case 2- Negotiating in Diffuse Distal Vessel Lecturer: Mandar M Shah |
1:18 PM | Case 3 - Negotiating in Calcified Lesion Lecturer: Sumanta Shekhar Padhi |
1:28 PM | Summary & Closing Speaker: Viveka Kumar |
Abstract Session
¥µ. Other
Abstract Session
¥µ. Other
Saturday, April 24
9:00 AM ~ 9:49 AM * Korea Standard Time (UTC/GMT +9:00)
Presentation Theater (Channel 3)
Moderator(s): Doni Firman, Teguh Santoso
9:00 AM | Angiographic Complete Revascularization Versus Incomplete Revascularization in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus Abstract Presenter: Doyeon Hwang |
9:10 AM | Severe Hypoglycemia in Type II Diabetes Mellitus Unmasked Significant Atherosclerotic Coronary Artery Disease: A Matched Case-control Study Abstract Presenter: Mohd Asyiq Al-Fard Bin Mohd Raffali |
9:20 AM | Prevalence of High Bleeding Risk Patients According to the Academic Research Consortium for High Bleeding Risk (ARC-HBR) Criteria and the Incidence of Bleeding Outcomes in South-east Asian Patients Who Received Percutaneous Coronary Intervention: A Single-center Retrospective Study Abstract Presenter: Pannipa Suwannasom |
9:30 AM | Five-year Clinical Outcomes of Successful Recanalisation for Coronary Chronic Total Occlusions in Patients with Versus Without Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Abstract Presenter: Peizhi Wang |
Case Session
¥·. Complex PCI
Case Session
¥·. Complex PCI
Saturday, April 24
9:55 AM ~ 10:59 AM * Korea Standard Time (UTC/GMT +9:00)
Presentation Theater (Channel 3)
Moderator(s): Chi-Jen Chang, Kenji Wagatsuma
Panelist(s): Alexey Sozykin, Anthony Yiu Tung Wong
9:55 AM | A Case of Left Iliac Vein Total Occlusion Complicated with Stuck and Fracture Stent Case Presenter: Cheng Chun Wei Wei |
10:05 AM | Echonavigator - Hybrid Visualisation Modality for Atrioseptostomia with the Modified Stent in Patient with Severe Pulmonary Hypertension Case Presenter: Igor V. Buzaev |
10:15 AM | Iatrogenic Retrograde Coronary Aortic Dissection During Coronary Intervention: Rare But Life-threatening Case Presenter: Ramachandran Sathappan |
10:25 AM | How to Treat Recurrent Angina with Previous CABG and 17 PCIs Case Presenter: Ameer Al-Bassam Al-Bassam |
10:35 AM | Longitudinal Stent Deformation Caused by Optical Coherence Tomography Pullback in Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Case Presenter: Ting-Wei Kao |
10:45 AM | Double Jeopardy with Guide-induced Left Main Coronary Dissection and Radial Perforation with Successful BAT Technique and Reverse Culotte Stenting Case Presenter: Wongwaris Aphijirawat |
Live Chat Discussant(s): Suk-Won Choi, Do Hoi Kim
¥¸. Complex PCI
Case Session
¥¸. Complex PCI
Saturday, April 24
11:05 AM ~ 12:21 PM * Korea Standard Time (UTC/GMT +9:00)
Presentation Theater (Channel 3)
Moderator(s): Francisco Jose Ayala Riquelme, Seung-Ho Hur
11:05 AM | How Do You Manage It? Case Presenter: Tsuda Takuma |
11:15 AM | Embolization of the Arteries of the Lower Jaw with Massive Bleeding from the Aneurysmal Bone Cyst Case Presenter: Igor Dmitriev |
11:25 AM | Post Myocardial Infarction Ventricular Septal Rupture with Heart Failure Treated Successfully with Transcatheter Device Closure Case Presenter: Keshavamurthy G |
11:35 AM | Big and Stubborn: Persistent Intracoronary Thrombus Case Presenter: Hoong Sheng Loh |
11:45 AM | Peripheral Angioplasty for Gangrenous Left Ring Finger with Septicaemia Case Presenter: Sridhar Kasturi |
11:55 AM | Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection Complicating ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction in Young Women: To Stent or Not To Stent Case Presenter: Safir Sungkar |
Live Chat Discussant(s): Seong Il Choi, Daitaro Kanno
¥¹. Complex PCI
Case Session
¥¹. Complex PCI
Saturday, April 24
12:25 PM ~ 1:24 PM * Korea Standard Time (UTC/GMT +9:00)
Presentation Theater (Channel 3)
Moderator(s): Yuji Hamazaki, Mohamed Sobhy
12:25 PM | Percutaneous Coronary Intervention of Calcified CTO RCA in a Symptomatic Elderly Patient Case Presenter: Khin Maung Zan Mohd Saad Jalaluddin |
12:35 PM | Hold on! - When Filters are a Must But Deployment a Must Not Case Presenter: Donna Shu-Han Lin |
12:45 PM | Complication - Post PCI in a Case of LAD Calcified Lesion Case Presenter: Manotosh Panja |
12:55 PM | Closure of an Iatrogenic RVOT Injury by Amplatzer Vascular Plug Case Presenter: Hsu Chung Lo |
1:05 PM | Midnight Culotte Adventure Case Presenter: Ahmed Rashad |
Live Chat Discussant(s): Je Sang Kim